Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry

Many of the things we take for granted with our natural teeth, from smiling and talking to eating the foods we love, can become easier again with restorative dentistry. Dr. Dunn offers a variety of restorative dental treatments that can help you get your smile back and better than ever.

Restorative Dental Treatments

Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings

For patients who've gotten a cavity recently, it was probably handled with a tooth-colored filling. Tooth-colored fillings provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small- to mid-size fillings that need to withstand pressure from the constant stress of chewing. They can be used on either front or back teeth. Unlike traditional fillings, tooth-colored fillings blend gorgeously with your natural teeth to keep them looking flawless.

Methods patients can use to prevent cavities:

  • Floss each day
  • Preventative Options
  • Schedule annual cleanings twice a year
  • Clean your teeth after every meal
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Endodontics (Root Canal Therapy)

Patients typically need a root canal when there is inflammation or infection in the roots of a tooth. During root canal treatment, an endodontist who specializes in such treatment carefully removes the pulp inside the tooth, cleans, disinfects and shapes the root canals, and places a filling to seal the space.

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Porcelain Crowns & Fixed Bridges

Porcelain fixed bridges are most popular because they resemble your natural teeth. Dental bridges are highly durable and will last many years; however, they may need replacement or need to be re-cemented due to normal wear.

Reasons for a fixed bridge:

  •  Fill space of missing teeth.
  •  Maintain facial shape.
  •  Prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position.
  •  Restore chewing and speaking ability.
  •  Restore your smile.
  •  Upgrade from a removable partial denture to a permanent dental appliance.
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Complete & Partial Dentures

A denture is a removable dental appliance used as a replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue. They are made to closely resemble your natural teeth and may even enhance your smile. Partial dentures are replacement teeth for people who have lost one or more of their teeth. Partial dentures can be taken in and out of the mouth and consist of a denture base, which closely resembles the color of your gums and denture teeth, which are attached to a supporting framework. The partial denture then attaches to the existing teeth via a clasp or some other retentive device.

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The smile of your dreams could be closer than you think! Call Dunn Family Dental today to schedule your appointment!

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